Savvy business managers and owners make good use of the tools ‘Google My Business’ offers in our increasingly mobile device-driven world. But, as you all know, Google modifies its tools and analytics continuously. Changes our Harben Marketing team has noted made to ‘Google My Business’ recently focusing on local SEO include the following.
“Permanently Closed” A Vanishing Breed
No longer does this notation appear with any regularity in the Local Finder. This change is mostly positive, but if you have successor companies and practitioners, there is a struggle with the perception that your business disappeared when it just evolved. Unethical competitors characterizing your business as ‘closed’ push you out of the rankings. Our advice is to use a rating tracker to check for problems.
Google Maps – Edits Possible On Desktops
Local Guides at all levels now have the ability to review, to approve, or to deny edits to our businesses on the “Check the Facts” feature. We advise using this feature to check any nefarious attacks by those who profit from your bad fortune.
Pending Edits On Hold
Spammers had been able to confuse users and denigrate your viable business with pending edits on your listing’s status. Google now prevents a pending edit from affecting your status. Only edits they determine to publish have a negative effect. We suggest checking and responding now only for published edits.
Disappointing Layouts
The Google “Snack Pak” now replaces more useful links to websites and directions on some industry’s local layouts. Be aware that a cutesy icon replaces what your customer probably wants and plan to fill in the missing information in another way.
Data Improvements
Up to 18 months of data is now available from Insights on the Google My Business Dashboard. Use the custom selection features to gain an accurate and fast feel for what worked and what did not. We use this when working with a business right from the start to focus our efforts.
Mobile Local Pack Ads Arrive
Keep an eye on this AdWords feature that is increasing in coverage when mobile users search.
Expect more tweaks and changes in the near future. Consult with our Harben Marketing team about how to profit from this fluctuation.