The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to take stock of the success of your online marketing strategies over the past 12 months. Hopefully, your Google Shopping experience was robust and profitable. Even if 2017 was an outstanding year, it almost always pays to review your action plan and make alterations as needed to set the bar higher than ever for 2018.
With a variety of other tasks on your agenda in the new year, it makes sense to make the most of your time and your ad budget. Focusing on the results of your Google Shopping campaigns over the past 12 months offers you a discrete and efficient lens with which to determine whether you should proceed according to the pattern set in the previous year or modify some or many of your approaches.
Getting vital information to the audiences you desire to reach is what Google Shopping campaigns do while showcasing your services and products. Accomplishing this with as little waste of your advertising dollars is crucial to running a tight and Every penny counts, so consider the following tips to ensure all of the cents you spend bidding on your campaigns reap many more pouring back into your coffers.
An evaluation of the structuring of your Google Shopping campaigns is the first step. Taking an overarching view, you can make mistakes by either over or under structuring a Shopping campaign.
Establishing whether your campaigns lack necessary structure, are overly structured, or are “just right” is an ongoing task. Keep in mind what worked at one point and for one desired outcome can change if your priorities shift.
One set of challenges to profitability occurs when Google Shopping campaigns are fragmented excessively, overdoing the options within the Google toolbox to subdivide products beyond what is helpful to your goals. A mashup of services and products that cannot be tracked individually for conversions can waste money and fail to give you the level of granularity that is of benefit to your business success.
An unreasonably structured campaign puts you at risk of both over and underbidding. You also take the chance that you relinquish hope of understanding what is working and what is broken in your strategy. Often the only answer is to seek professional help to reverse or adapt your campaign structuring decisions to find a sensible point to reweave the fabric of your original intentions. Less clutter and a more decisive mode of operation give you a more precise view and increase the value of your campaign decisions.
On the other hand, if you took a different tact and developed few subdivisions you might not be revealing all you need to know about how your services and products are perceived and what is needed to improve conversion rates. Partnering with a firm that is savvy to striking the right balance for subdividing can be the impetus needed to make your Google Shopping campaigns streamline rather than stifle or sideline your gains.
Do not forget to integrate mobile device campaign elements into your comprehensive Google Shopping strategy. Smartphone, wearable, and tablet technology needs must be met, tweaking your other subdivision and bidding practices as necessary.
If the Google Shopping orbit is hard for you to track on your own, take advantage of expert advice to make these powerful systems, structures, and instruments work for you. The new year waits for no one. Be in the vanguard of best practices to make this year and future time periods triumphant as you understand and accomplish more.